
Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Should men be ridiculed for the standards they have for an ideal mate if women have similarly outlandish standards of their own? Don't get me wrong, I'm far from a chauvinist; I just feel that men sometimes are held to such a dated, unreasonable standard of excellence that must be met that I see good guys being ignored for this glorified idea of what a real man should be. While the traditional standards of what a man should embody are common sense, it is the physical/superficial ideologies of many women that don't get enough ridicule. I believe a man should have of the following attributes: be willing to hold himself accountable for his actions, be a gentleman (chivalry is not dead ladies), be a hard worker that strives to improve, and show toughness and resolve in the face of adversity. Ladies, if your man has all of these attributes, he's a keeper! Keep him, by all means keep him! Sure he may be a little overweight, sure he may only make $35,000 as oppose to $100,000, he may even be shorter than you (God forbid!). You choose your mate to be with you till death do you part, not till you find the guy with the best bank account.

I'll admit that men have some outlandish standards of our own. Often times we expect our women to work, cook, clean, raise the kids, and give us head every night on command. We expect this while also demanding that they stay in shape, let me watch the NBA without interruption, blow up my ego, and let me have my guys nights and man caves. Did I mention you gotta pop out junior for us too? Seems pretty unreasonable right ladies? Well isn't it rather unreasonable to demand that your mate be at minimum 6'2 when the average height for a man in America is under 5'10 (for the record my official height is 6'3 1/4)?  Isn't it unrealistic to expect a man fresh out of college to have a $75,000/yr job? How can you want a muscle bound Adonis yet complain about guys being too skinny and wanting something to grab on to? Why we going shopping? That's what you have girlfriends and your mom for! Women expect us to work long hours yet be home on command, be tall yet complain when they have to get on their toes to kiss us, give them sex on their time only, do every single do-it-yourself/yard project and chore, defend your honor, and tolerate your parents. All while staying in shape to keep your attention (not too much though cuz you might think I'm trying to holla at the cute secretary at my job right?) and earning six-figures. Talk about unreasonable!!!

In all seriousness, we let what the media and society tell us is pretty or best for us dictate our lives far too much. I'm not saying to not have any standards or that you can't be attracted to what you are attracted to physically. But be willing to understand that love conquers all. What happens when that guy that had all the money suddenly loses his wealth? What happens when your wife gains a little weight or starts to show her age? It should be about love and affection, and I don't mean the kine Future and Rhianna are talking about. The physical may have been what brought us together, but only seeking out your soul mate will bring true love and happiness.

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