
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We Are.....Full of It!

So on a technicality, the Paterno's and former players are suing the NCAA! This story needs closure, and this is anything but. While this may not be their intent, it comes off insensitive & baseless. But, collegiate athletics is big business. Seems selfish & misguided to me to drag this on when Sandusky was indeed found guilty of multiple sexual assaults on young boys & is in jail. As a state employee, I am obligated to be a 1st responder if a child's livelihood could be in danger. Didn't all of the staff & administration @ Penn State have that responsibility as well (it is called Penn State University right)? Why Joe Paterno's legacy has become the focal point of this sordid affair is beyond me. Whether he actively participated in the molestation of children is not the issue at hand. The issue is that he was informed about it, questioned by the authorities and his inaction allowed a pedophile to exist on Penn State facilities for an additional decade! Even JoePa, before his death, admitted that he should have done more! 

For the Paterno family, state officials, and former players to have the audacity to sue the NCAA simply to restore some victories and get off of probation is asinine! Not only does it highlight the culture of cover-up and embody how Joe Paterno was regarded as a deity in State College, but it also is a serial waste of financial resources that would be better served to lower the cost of tuition among other things. Nobody wants their loved one's name dragged through the proverbial mud, but the truth is far more important than maintaining a pristine image. Was the Freeh report flawed and full of hearsay? Possibly. However, Spanier, Schultz, and Curley were arrested and were awaiting trial long before Louis Freeh was commissioned by Penn State to do an internal investigation. Their coverup of Sandusky's molestations as well as the accusations of perjury are far more damning than any information produced by the Freeh report. All Freeh did was corroborate the legal finding previously published. Why wouldn't the NCAA act so swiftly and severely to punish Penn State? These weren't some janitors or some rogue booster that was involved. Spanier was the university president, Schultz was the university treasurer, and Curley was the athletic director! If that does not scream "lack of institutional control" under NCAA bylaws I don't know what does. 
Penn State supporters will argue that no advantage was gained on the field of play as a result of this fiasco. I would argue that a great advantage was gained. If this were known beforehand, Paterno would have lost his job (from 2000-2004, Paterno's job was in serious jeopardy). This coverup allowed Penn State to continue to field successful football teams and recruit the top players in the nation. While that premise is based on many assumptions, the Paterno family's lawsuit is as well. So much like this article does, I call bullshit on this lawsuit!

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