
Thursday, December 12, 2013


"This is gonna be a piece of cake!", "People say I write and speak well. They should start reading my blog no problem". If I only knew the difficulties involved in writing a blog entailed, I would have planned it out a little better. Having this be my side passion as oppose to my obligatory job has hampered the reach of my blog. The issue of what to write about to catch people's interests is always an issue. I have seen other blogs where guys are writing posts twice a day! Doesn't life get in the way at some point? I try to give you all a snapshot into my mind and hope to peak some of your interests. More often than not though, it seems like I have to pay to get my posts noticed!

Never mind my rambling, I'm just frustrated! I thought that this was gonna be so much easier than it has been. This blog was to serve as practice for the book that I eventually would like to write while also keeping my writing skills sharp in between grad school. I try to strike a delicate balance of keeping the topics interesting while not being too controversial. All it's produced so far are a few comments sporadically and a lot of discouragement on my part. This blog is a jack-of-all-trades blog. I do not have one singular interests so I decided to combine what they are: sports, race-relations, media and its' influence, and hip-hop. Yet it still goes unnoticed by the masses. Perhaps my blog is too unfocused and scattered. Perhaps I do not write enough content to consistently draw more readership. Or perhaps I should just come to grips with the fact that no one care and I need to just stop this blog all together.....Naaah!

 I won't stop because the goal remains the same. I have overcome too much to simply give up because I encountered some roadblocks. I have a much greater appreciation for what bloggers and writers have to go through since I have started blogging. It's a lot easier than it looks! Still in all, I welcome the challenge. Because if life was easy, it wouldn't be worth living. Check me out down the road for more to come.....